Victor Limongelli elected chairman of AccessData

AccessDataThe Board of AccessData, long-established provider of digital forensics and eDiscovery software, has elected Victor Limongelli as chairman of the board. Victor Limongelli brings long experience, including seven years as President and CEO of Guidance Software, to the post.

I have known Victor Limongelli for a long time. I met him at a conference in London in 2007, before he became CEO of Guidance Software. He was the first senior executive of a US-based eDiscovery company whom I met, and his session at that event drew me to the conclusion that I must get involved in US discovery if I was to comment on the subject in the UK and elsewhere. I wrote to Victor when I set up the eDisclosure Information Project, and did my first transatlantic webinar a few weeks later.

As I have recently written, AccessData has just launched new versions of its eDiscovery software Summation and its Forensic Tool Kit FTK, both now at Version 6. The main development lies in the interoperability between the two products, allowing a lawyer or investigator to start reviewing data as it is collected and processed.

Keith James, CEO of AccessData, said

“Victor is a visionary with a proven track record of developing smart strategies for business expansion in many of the same markets where AccessData seeks to grow. His leadership of our board will be a tremendous asset as we accelerate our investments in product development, customer support and global business development.”

I look forward to catching up with Victor Limongelli in his new role.


About Chris Dale

Retired, and now mainly occupied in taking new photographs and editing old ones.
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