Interest me

The main criterion for writing about a subject is that it interests me. This applies equally to concepts, suppliers and people.

Now, you may say that a man with a fascination for converting Disclosure data from one format to another, and writing at length about “The LiST Data Exchange Protocol Part 2 of 2 – Disclosure Documents” has a pretty high boredom threshold and could be made to be interested in almost anything. Not so. Whilst I accept that “interesting” is a relative concept, I will not write about anything which does not have some appeal for the reader.

So, tell me about it. Whether you are a supplier, a user, a client or a judge, let me know of anything you come across which may be of actual interest to others involved in e-Disclosure or anything else to do with litigation support. I won’t ride your hobby-horses unless they happen to be mine as well, and I won’t promote products or services which are not relevant.

It is not just products and services which are of interest. Court rules are public, but court practice (on Disclosure and costs matters) goes on behind closed doors down the dark corridors of the Queen’s Bench and Chancery Masters where I spent my youth as a litigation solicitor. I don’t want to know anything confidential (not too confidential anyway) but I would like to gather anecdotal evidence of orders and agreements made about Disclosure matters.

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