Interview: Marc Zamsky of Compliance on the benefits of RelativityOne

At RelativityFest in Chicago, I interviewed Marc Zamsky of Compliance Discovery Solutions. I asked him why Compliance had moved to RelativityOne and about the benefits which RelativityOne brings to Compliance and its clients.

Marc Zamsky said that Relativity’s future lay with RelativityOne and that the future of eDiscovery lay in the cloud. The ability to run multiple processes at the click of a button was important on its own, even before looking at the processes themselves. It altered the whole approach to discovery, moving it towards the point where one can get quickly to looking at data and drawing conclusions from it.

For the clients, the main attraction was the security given by Azure in the cloud. It also helps them to build truly end-to-end processes, particularly with the arrival of Relativity Collect.

For this reason, Marc Zamsky said that Relativity Collect was the most exciting of all Relativity’s pending product releases, giving the ability, for example, to download data via X1 or from O365 for instant review.

Compliance was developing its own apps, mainly aimed at allowing clients to access data more quickly.

As Marc Zamsky says, lawyers appreciate anything which cuts down the number of stages and enables them to see data more quickly.


About Chris Dale

Retired, and now mainly occupied in taking new photographs and editing old ones.
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