Picking the best of recent OpenText announcements and articles

It has been quite difficult to keep up with the spate of announcements and other output from OpenText. It is a big company, which reaches into almost every corner of Enterprise Information Management (a subtle but important change from the old label, Enterprise Content Management) and its sub-classes, notably (for my purposes) eDiscovery.

I was away during Enterprise World 2019 in Toronto but caught the flavour of it from the many tweets, press releases, blogs and LinkedIn posts from and about OpenText. It has one of the best and most industrious marketing departments in the business, and one needs to concentrate to keep up.

This post is selective, pointing briefly to a handful of the things which matter most in my corner of the information world. 


Let’s start with a post from Adam Kuhn called What’s new in Axcelerate and EnCase eDiscovery Release 16?, which focuses first on the new Predictive Filtering in Axcelerate, helpfully providing screenshots to illustrate his descriptions – why does everybody not do this?

Second, Adam Kuhn describes an exercise undertaken by the EnCase team to cut legacy data storage costs. Armed with a litigation schedule, the team went through “hundreds of boxes full of hard drives that were on legal hold”, most of them no longer containing anything relevant or important. The cost of the exercise, Adam Kuhn says, was justified solely by reduced managed storage facility fees. How much more will be saved in years to come when (say) Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) under the GDPR can be dealt with briskly and efficiently without starting from those “hundreds of boxes full of hard drives”.

Sticking with the GDPR and Data Subject Access Requests, here is a link to a webinar about DSARs which I moderated for OpenText in the knowledgeable company of Norton Rose Fulbright. Its focus was on that point above about dealing with DSARs “briskly and efficiently”, using technology (like Axcelerate) which was designed for the demands of litigation and regulatory discovery.


Next have a look at an article by CEO Mark Barrenechea covering his keynote speech at Enterprise World 2019. There is a lot in there, but I would point specifically to one thing in his graphic about what he calls the “Information Advantage”. The key words are “We are all information companies”. It is not just Facebook and Google who live by information, nor is it just organisations whose actual business is the collection of data. All organisations have data which they need to classify and secure and, crucially, turn into information.

There is much more on the OpenText website and blogs.

OpenText EnFuse

While on the subject of OpenText, I should point you to OpenText Enfuse 2019, which takes place in Las Vegas between 11 and 14 November. I went to this event, and its predecessor CEIC, for 10 years or so and always found it both useful and stimulating. Anyone involved in digital investigations, cybersecurity, eDiscovery, and privacy might usefully attend.


Lastly, I take the opportunity to link to some video interviews which I have done for OpenText and published recently – they cover much the same ground as the articles mentioned above.

One is with Adam Kuhn and called New technologies and their practical applications. Another is with Matt Brunnquell of OpenText on the growing importance of document security. A third, with David Lapresi of Phillips Lytle, is about the need for lawyers to adopt technology and the competitive advantage which the use of technology brings to them. Videos are not a substitute for the written word, but they are a good complement to blog posts and product pages.


About Chris Dale

Retired, and now mainly occupied in taking new photographs and editing old ones.
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